Scott levin gesundheit
Scott levin gesundheit

scott levin gesundheit

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scott levin gesundheit

In: Thornicroft G, Brewin C, Wing J (eds) Measuring mental health needs. The Economist (27th January 1996)13–16īeecham JK, Knapp MRJ (1992) Costing psychiatric interventions. Br J Psychiatry 165:204–210īeck B (1996) The economics of ageing. AOK- Bundesverband, BonnĪudini B, Marks IM, Connolly J, Lawrence RE, Watts V (1994) Home-based versus out-patient/ inpatient care for people with serious mental illness. AOK-Bundesverband (1996) Krankheitsartenstatistik 1993.

Scott levin gesundheit